Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Aku cuba untuk mendekati
Tapi engkau tiada peduli
Tulusnya niat di hati
Mungkin kau tersalah erti

Bukannya ingin merantai dirimu
Ataupun mengikat janji
Masih ada banyak lagi
Harus kau pelajari

Aku ingin kemesraan
Serta senyum keramahan
Biar kekal berterusan
Tak hilang di tengah jalan

Kau rahsiakan kedinginan menyelimuti hati
Aku juga kedinginan kerana sikapmu itu
Walaupun setebal mana selimut membaluti
Aku masih kedinginan sepi tanpa berteman

Kedinginanmu kerana malam
Yang masih lagi panjang

Kedinginanku jauh bandingan
Dengan dirimu

Usah biar malam tak berteman
Usah bair siang kekosongan
Sudilah kau memahami
Ketulusan hati ini

Andainya aku merajuk bawa hati
Dan kau pun membawa diri
Siapa harus disalahkan
Pasti kita berdua

**a song for u.
in the end, i have to leave for ur happiness.
everything is impossible between u and me.
:'(( sobbing

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why do i even fall for you.*sob*

I MISS 30T, i misses, hakim siti halim kane mirah yanie totot wawa isaac and all. I wanted to meet u guys but im uncapable of doing that. I can't come back. =(( i really can't even if i wanted to real bad. All i want is to meet u guys, hug u guys and apologise. And then i will leave. Atleast it puts me in peace. FADH REALLY MISSES ALL OF YOU. FADH IS SORRY.
All those moments keep coming back. Our laughter, our tears shed. All those really brings me back to where i use to stand. Who pick e up. Bring us up together. Fighting for what is ours, fighting for each other. Whatever it is my dearest, fadh will be here, supporting u guys always. Even if u guys are up there and im below here. Fadh still respect u guys.......... =((

Why do i even fall for u in the first place. Why do i even confesses that i love you. WHY WOULD I EVEN PLACE HIGH HOPES ON YOU WHEN I KNOW IT JUST TURNS OUT TO BE A DREAM? Fadh risk that because somehow fadh believes in you. Fadh believes in us. But that was just a dream...=(( woke up in the middle of no where.. no where..
Fadh dnt want money. Fadh taknak anything, fadh just want to be loved by you. Somehow these things are just plain nothing to you... but not to me....

Fadh had try my best.
Nothing is working.
You said u love me.
You said u care for me.
That phrases still lingers.=((
'i sayang u lah'.......
phrase that u said.

Whers all that?
U arent trying.
Fadh is really dissapointed in you.
Fadh thot u were different.............................
i wont say i love u if it isnt true now.
Fadh just plain stupid..........

I thought u can be my savior.
I thought u can protect me..............................
but...............................im so stupid to fantasizing.

Why do i let my dream this far.................

u kept saying sorrie when ure not.....


Fadh dream too much.
Too much that it brings me high than drop me off. crashing.
i failed in making u happy.
i failed in whtever u want me to.
im sorrie....................................................................................fadhLOVESyou.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


i miss you and i love you.
im sorry that i make u sick and make u stressed up.
im really sorry.
i just wanted u.
ure so nice and u keep up with my attitude.
and i thank u for that.

im sorry that im being pain in the ass.
im sorry.... :'(
it just hurts me knowing ure not over ur ex.
maybe being with ur ex once again is the best thing to do..
im pulling myself away.
maybe thats will ease you.

ure thinking too much.
i think u want ur ex back..
nevermind, go on with ur ex..
u will be happy, ur ex will be happy...........

i misjudge myself.
i misplace u around.
im sorryyyy...

im trying to be the best for you.
be what u want me to be.
make u love me.
but indeed i failed.
:'( :'(

its best that i leave u.
my appearance just make u more sick and all stressed up....

you dont know how much it hurts and how much its killing me.
tears falling everytime thinking,
im sorry i make you feel unsecure and irritated...
but its the speech of my tiny little heart.................